Photographing Nightscapes and Moon Halos in Cornwall
My latest photography vlog is up!
Cornwall is an amazing place for photography. In this episode I shoot some beautiful astrolandscape images at Roche Rock, and then get a little scuppered by the weather down at Porthluney beach. BUT I did manage to get some interesting images of a Moon Halo whilst making the most of long exposures on the beach.
Check out the video here:
Pretty pleased with some of the images I got down in Cornwall too!

Roche Rock was on my list of must-shoot nightscapes in Cornwall for a long time and I'm glad I finally got to shoot it. Weather conditions were perfect too, with a nice clear sky, even if the moon wasn't quite playing ball!
The conditions at Porthluney weren't ideal, but I made the most of it. No stars to be seen (at least not by the naked eye - you might just about spot one or two in my images) because of the cloud cover, but as I've said before; it's about being out there and shooting.