Introduction to Photography at Night
You might notice there's a slight change to my website, a new box that wasn't there before... We'll come to that in a sec.
I've written a brief e-book called Introduction to Photography at Night.

It's aimed at those new to photography, as well as photographers with a little more experience who want to try nightscape shooting and astro landscapes. I've tied to keep the guide short and sweet and leave some room for the photographer's own experimentation and exploration, whilst giving enough information to cover the basics. I'm pretty confident that after reading this you'll be able to go out and start taking awesome photos at night!

As well as a guide explaining how to actually start taking night time photos I've tried to give a few other tips and tricks on gear and general shooting situations.

For the absolute photography beginner I didn't want to get too technical as it can feel a bit overwhelming at that stage.

So how do you get your mitts on it? Back to that new bit of my website: there's a subscription box, and alls you gotta do is enter your email address to subscribe to my mailing list. Then I'll send you an absolutely completely FREE copy of my e-book 'Introduction to Photography at Night'.
It's as simple as that.
Due to pesky file size limitations, the copy you'll get is low resolution - still contains all the information, just slightly compressed images - but your email will contain a link so you can download the full res e-book from iBooks / iTunes if you're on a mobile iOS device such as an iPhone or iPad.
And I promise not to pass on your email address to anyone else, or spam you with junk. I'll only send you emails when I have something cool to show you that I think you'll be interested in; like if I upload a new video etc.
So please head over to the main site and sign up to get your free copy of Introduction to Photography at Night, and if you're already signed up then thank you! I'd love to hear your thoughts on the book so drop me a message on Facebook or Insta!