October / November summary
It's been a really busy time for me lately!
As I posted previously, I shot our climb up Ben Nevis in early October - this was a real big one for me. Such amazing scenery in Scotland and I can't wait to get back and shoot some more!

After a few bits and pieces of rooftopping in Sheffield, me and James managed to top Velocity Tower. One of my favourite rooftops so far, and the new LED street lighting in Sheffield is a real dream to shoot, bringing out the colours properly and just making it so much easier to keep the detail in the shot.

Next up I was doing some pet portraits with Dee Dee the Chihuahua.

Next, as it was Autumn, I wanted to get some nice shots of the girls in a seasonal setting - think lots of beautiful coloured leaves etc. But Erica and Alys weren't really in the mood to go along with it:

Something I'd been thinking about blogging about is the fact that not all shots are keepers (few are in my experience!) and this demonstrates the point quite well! Look out for a future post on what I think is a "good" percentage when it comes to keepers.
Next up was Halloween, and whilst I wasn't particularly busy I did of course have my camera out at various points.

And going back to the theme of "keepers"; not every night time outing is a success. I could write an essay on how to fail at rooftopping in Sheffield. I'd say we're probably successful on 1 in 4 occasions at getting onto a good rooftop and getting some awesome shots. And we're pretty good at what we do!
One particular night in November myself and James headed out with the intention of climbing a crane but were defeated at the final hurdle. On the plus side, I managed to get some shots of Sheffield Cathedral earlier in the night that I'm really proud of.

I've been thinking about some ideas for a black and white portrait project that I want to get off the ground in 2017 and tried something out with Jade as my willing guinea pig.

I had to travel back up North to my home town, Guisborough, for a funeral. It was freezing cold and the rain that had followed me all the way from Sheffield had started to turn to sleet. As I headed home the light was already starting to fade. Passing Roseberry Topping, the summit kept disappearing and reappearing as heavy clouds rolled across it. I stopped and grabbed my camera from the boot and quickly shot this single frame without really pausing to check my settings. I shot it in colour but it was so badly underexposed that when I came to look at it that it was completely black apart from the sky. In my mind the scene had looked black and white anyway, so a quick tweak in Lightroom to remove the colour and bring up the exposure and this is what I was left with.
Not my greatest shot, but it feels poignant.

A couple of days later and I was shooting some promotional work for Hurlfield Dental Practice in Sheffield who were receiving an award for hygiene from Schulke pharmaceuticals.

All that and I was still able to fit in a wedding shoot at the end of the month! Stay tuned for the next blog post on that wedding at Rossington Hall near Doncaster.