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Kids portraits

Me and my wife, Jade, set up a quick portrait session for the kids the other day at home and got some pretty nice results.

While Jade was busy sorting hair and clothes out I was checking my settings and shot a quick frame of Erica, our eldest. It came out great! So with the lighting and positioning all set we had some fun.

kids portrait photography

We'd moved Alys's drum kit from it's usual spot in their room, as well as some boxes of toys, so that we could set up close to the window and make use of the natural light coming in. We also grabbed a few props, books and things, some old leather-bound books to use as an unusual seat.

kids portrait photography

I think secretly Erica enjoys posing for the camera, although she would never admit it!

kids portrait photography

After I'd taken a few shots of Erica in different poses with different props it was our youngest, Alys's turn. She's the polar opposite of Erica and hates having to wait too long for anyone to take her picture so I had to move fast and pull out all my sweet-talking lines for my Daddy's Girl.

kids portrait photography

kids portrait photography

It almost ended in tears quite quickly - Alys can be very headstrong and stubborn - but I got her to relax in the end...

kids portrait photography

kids portrait photography

kids portrait photography

...and she even decided to get her own props to use. This is her favourite bear, Teddy, and probably my favourite shot from the day.

kids portrait photography

As a bonus, she then showed us the Pokemon cap and Pokeball she'd made earlier and was excited to show them off for some pictures.

kids portrait photography

kids portrait photography

Technical bit:

All shot on the Nikon D7100 with the 50mm 1.8D. As we were inside, despite the nice window light I set my ISO around 640 so I could get a faster shutter speed. Aperture was around f4.5 (apart from the teddy bear and Pokeball shots which were right down at f1.8 to get the effect I wanted) and I just rode the shutter depending on changes in light from outside as clouds passed over. 1/60s was the slowest, 1/160s the fastest.

All RAW files processed in Adobe Lightroom CC.

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