Ode to the Nikon D70
I recently made a YouTube video celebrating my ancient Nikon D70 - the first camera I bought and what got me into photography. The D70...

The importance of cleaning your lenses.
Photographers: hands up who routinely cleans their lenses? I admit it; I don't. If I spot something really obvious I'll give it a quick...

You're not a Photographer... Just because you call yourself one.
So, this is a friend of a friend of a friend type situation that I've been going over in my mind for a few days and come to the...

The importance of shooting RAW
I wanted to share a photography tip that I wish I'd followed when I was a photography beginner. When I started out I didn't shoot in RAW,...

Wedding photography - What's in my bag?
With wedding season upon us I thought I'd share what I pack and take with me when I shoot wedding photography. I carry a LowePro...

Canon or Nikon? A beginners guide.
I was inspired to write this after reading a question in a photography group I’m a member of on Facebook. The question posed was a simple...